aber mit einem glücklichen Ende, der Rückkehr in LIGA 3. Turm-Stützen wie THOBISCH und EXTASIO schwächelten, auch AIDENZOUU, im November letzten Jahres mit bester Turnierwertung Garant für den Klassenerhalt. Verlass war auf HUB18 und die Turm-Jugend. Glanzleistungen brachten ROLLE und ARIEWERKSMA und nicht zuletzt Berserker CM GDMONSTER!

Links der überragende CM GDMONSTER. Bis zum letzten Match führte Chikwere das Feld der 147 Teilnehmer an, verlor dann unglücklich gegen COTEV, den späteren Vierten. Rechts die ukrainische WIM QUEEN_IRYNA, Nr. 18 des Feldes. Im Match CHIKWERE-IRYNA siegte der Turm-Spieler.

Alle 3 Aufsteiger sind punktgleich – das gab’s wohl noch nie! Und der SC Turm dank Feinwertung vorne!

Lichess Liga 4A Teamkampf

1SC Turm IllingenCM Gdmonster22 58+27+24+24+23+21+17+14208
2Schachklub Giessenenergy382 60+30+26+22+20+20+15+15208
3C.S. Universitar de Șah BucureștiCOTEV 35+35+28+27+25+20+20+18208
4HSK Lister TurmFM Unkreativ3 45+37+29+23+18+14+13+10189
5English Chess PlayersGM Atomrod 33+23+22+21+18+17+16+15165
6Commonwealth of Chess PlayersIM murashkoVL1953 29+26+25+23+19+13+12+11158
7TEAM Brouettenbaspaghetti 42+22+19+17+17+16+14+9156
8Svijet šahaVlahovHrvojeCro 25+24+22+19+18+18+15+14155
9KanalSzachowykamynsky 20+20+20+20+18+17+15+14144
10Dobre ZiomkiQweee 7+2+211

Hier die Liste der 8  in die Wertung gekommenen Turm-Blitzer:

CM GDMONSTERChikwere58672559
ROLLEKlaus Pichler27642433
HUB18Hans Barmbold24622554
THOBISCHThomas Biehler            21472213
SENIOR_KINGViktor Siebert14502186

HUB18s Partienkolumne:



Many Titled and high rated Players were beaten! Average Performance and average Rating of the Team were 2304!!

208 Points of 8 Leaders are an average 26 points!

GDMONSTER22 did 100% Berserk at 3+2, having only 90s without increment!

Thanks to the 13 Players!

Here 5 Steps to win each of the 8 featured games (half serious)!

Gambit Time! Step 1: Sacrifice 1 Pawn. Step 2: Have compensation. Step 3: Win the Pawn Back. Step 4: Have a good position. Step 5: Win it.

Solid Win! Step 1: Have a 0.00 Position with Black. Step 2: Have a weakness to attack. Step 3: Attack and win the Pawn. Step 4: Create a Mating Attack. Step 5: Have 3 Pawns vs 1 Bishop and win the Game.

Another Black Win! Step 1: Have a good position after the opening. Step 2: Look for and create tactics. Step 3: Capitalize and win a blundered Pawn. Step 4: Mating Attack. Step 5: Mate.

Opponent has literally like no Moves! Step 1: Have Black obviously. Step 2: Find the winning tactic. Step 3: Bishop Pair rules. Step 4: Paralyze the opponent. Step 5: Deliver Mate in 2.

One Tactic ends the Game! Step 1: Have White this time. Step 2: Play my opening repertoire. Step 3: Have 0.00 Position. Step 4: Play for the smallest imbalances, no draw. Step 5: Find the winning tactic and end the Game.

No pieces, no problems! Step 1: Play solid with Black (it helps). Step 2: Get a playable position. Step 3: Be worse, start an attack and get compensation. Step 4: Get 4 pawns for a piece. Step 5: Win with 4 Pawns vs 1 Bishop.

Crushing the London System! Step 1: Play with g6 and fianchetto, the opponents don’t face it so often. Step 2: Opposite castling. Step 3: Let the opponent sacrifice his Queen because the game is already lost. Step 4: Take all his blundered pieces. Step 5: (you know the drill) Create a Mating Attack and Checkmate.

WHAT A GAME! Step 1: Be a Time/Speed Monster. Step 2: Opponent is a GM. Step 3: Berserk and GM doesn’t do double berserk, so psychological advantage. Step 4: Create an Attack. Step 5: With a piece up find Ne1!! and deliver later CHECKMATE on the next Move, the 33.

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