3. Advent – ein Festtag für ORANJE: erst VERSTAPPEN, dann APEKOP
Links der mit 69 Punkten Beste des Tages, der afghanische IM SAMISAHI alias Samir Sahidi. Sein Team, das Afghanistan Chess Network, betrat mit drei Hochkarätern die Arena, allesamt mit LICHESS-Wertung über 2700. Aber der Favorit landete nur auf Rang 4, einen Platz vor dem SC Turm. Dessen Topscorer APEKOP hielt fantastisch mit, wurde mit 41 Punkten Vierter von 195 Akteuren. Und zwei Plätze hinter ihm schon THOBISCH. Das gute Bild wird abgerundet von HUB18 mit Platz 13.
Lichess Liga 3C Teamkampf
1 | SK König Tegel | GM Ranaroek66 53+35+28+28+27+26+25+25+20+19 | 286 |
2 | TRChess | IM Zubrrr 37+29+27+27+23+22+21+21+17+17 | 241 |
3 | ШШК “Зарайская ладья” | Kovaljov 37+27+25+25+24+23+22+21+21+16 | 241 |
4 | Afghanistan Chess Network | IM samisahi 69+24+20+18+18+18+18+17+16+13 | 231 |
5 | SC Turm Illingen | Apekop 41+38+29+22+20+19+17+16+10+6 | 218 |
6 | SC Garching 1980 e.V. | IM FightingDragon 24+24+24+22+21+21+21+21+20+19 | 217 |
7 | KanalSzachowy | IAmMateCheckMate 44+37+28+21+17+17+14+13+12+11 | 214 |
8 | HSK Lister Turm | FM Umumba 39+28+24+23+23+20+17+16+11+0 | 201 |
9 | LSV Turm Lippstadt 96 | FM Ecce89 30+25+23+20+18+18+18+14+13+12 | 191 |
10 | ASEM (Ankara Satranç Eğitim Merkezi) | PudgeTheButcher 24+21+19+18+14+12+9+6+5+2 | 130 |
Hier die Liste der 10 in die Wertung gekommenen Turm-Blitzer:
APEKOP | APK | 41 | 55 | 2520 |
THOBISCH | Thomas Biehler | 38 | 53 | 2512 |
HUB18 | Hans Barmbold | 29 | 40 | 2452 |
RAINER_ZUFALL | Jonas Feidt | 22 | 75 | 2553 |
WINAWER86 | Pierluigi | 20 | 35 | 2241 |
AAVINW | Aavin Watson | 19 | 41 | 2178 |
EXTASIO | Rudy | 17 | 38 | 2284 |
DER_TERMINATOR | Alfred | 16 | 39 | 2139 |
ROLLE | Klaus Pichler | 10 | 50 | 2141 |
SENIOR_KING | Viktor Siebert | 6 | 27 | 2058 |
Ein optimaler Start, mit Siegen rundum: THOBISCH glänzt zum Auftakt mit perfektem Turm-Endspiel, HUB18 brilliert gegen FM TORTOSA, WINAWER remisiert gegen 2 Titelträger. Um 20 Uhr 5 Platz 1 für den SC Turm! Doch dann war Sand im Getriebe – um 20 Uhr 15 Platz 8, Abstieg. Aber das Team fing sich, angeführt vom bärenstarken APEKOP. In seinen 20 Matches hatte er es mit 10 (zehn!) Titelträgern zu tun, besiegte 7 von ihnen. APEKOP ist ein gefragter Mann, doch da weder die niederländische noch die belgische Liga spielten, hatte er Zeit für uns. Dank seiner 41 Punkte konnte LIGA 3 gehalten werden!
Hier erscheint in Kürze die Insider-Kolumne von HUB18 mit ausgewählten Partien.
HUB18s Partienkolumne:
Great Team Work!; vs strong competition, SC TURM secured the 5th Place! 11 players did extremely well; 218 points and an average performance of 2246 are numbers, which are talking!
APEKOP was the MVP, took down 7 titled players (CMs, FMs, IMs) – 3 in a row!
THOBISCH beat 2 titled players and drew one (FM, IM & GM)!
Me, myself and I (HUB18) beat 3 titled players and drew one (FMs)!
RAINER_ZUFALL beat 2 titled players (GM & CM)!
WINAWER86 won vs 1 titled player and drew vs 2 (CMs and FM)!
EXTASIO drew vs 2 titled players (CM & FM)!
Games accessible under: https://lichess.org/tournament/QGk49i2B .

First Game of the 10 Games: very entertaining! It was a complex middle game and then it was Queen + Bishop + Rook vs Queen + Knight + Rook. Black emerged a piece up and mated the King in the Middle of the Board. “One of the nicest Mates are with a Pawn or the King is mated in the Middle of the Board!”

White got the Bishop pair and was after a nice tactic an exchange up. Black missed Rxd2, which would have been a draw by perpetual check. Eventually White won the Bishop and neutralized all black attempts to attack the King! “Always look on both sides of the Board – Nxd5, Bxc6 and Qxg7 could come anytime!”

The Caro Kan – not e4 c5 but e4 c6. It’s a very stable approach to slowly outplay the opponent. After trades, we have a Queen Ending. Alfred emerged 2 pawns up and the opponent tries the last trick in his book, took a pawn and hoped, Black would not notice his Queen was hanging. But no chance! “Queen Endings are quiet hard to play – i can tell you by experience!”

EXTASIO planted the Bishop nicely on e5. In the Rook Endgame, there was a pawn race and he had the upper hand. c4, b5 + King at the end are to slow against the Rook and the King. “Endgames – it depends how forward placed are your passed pawns, not how many do you have!”

What a mate! The Team Knight + Queen is one of the best, mentioned before already by me. After opposite castle, AAVINW was the only one, who attacked. The g and f pawns disappeared from the Board and the Knight jumped to d5 to say mate! “Knights are so tricky in Blitz games!”

The King of SURREYKING didnt surrender! The white King stayed in the middle the whole game. After the exchange of the white bishops and the eventual installation of the “dark” knight on c4, Black is totally dominating and winning. Then White blundered his Queen. “Nc4 for Black equals Nf5 for White – it is a great attacking piece!”

Bishops vs Knights! Jonas was a bit worse after the opening, but outplayed the GM with an attack and eventually beat him on time, because the GM tried to flag him with being one piece down. But Jonas won with 3s vs 0s on the clock! “5+0 is a mix of time and position”!

In my game it was all about the opposite colored bishops! I was applying pressure during the whole game. Black was paralyzed and i could eventually bring my King up! He helped tremendously to mate the black King! “There was a King walk to dethrone the other King!”

Thomas beat one of the highest rated players in the League 3C! The englisch opening was quite calm. Black equalized, then the IM did an exchange sack! Things got messy, but Black emerged with Rook +2 pawns vs Knight + Bishop. “At the End, Black was a Rook up and it was Overrr!”

APK played very solid, equalized without any problems. The setting with Bf5, e6 , d5 and c6 is very stable. The ending position is remarkable. All black pieces are on the backrank, Black is an exchange up and winning. “All pieces stand on the backrank – no problem!”
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