Links Paul Velten, der überragende MARATHON MAN; rechts der Dritte: Sergei Zhigalko
Eingeladen wurde zum größten Schach-Event der Geschichte. Rund 23.000 traten an. Was Rang und Namen hatte, war dabei! Der Veranstalter lockte mit einem tollen Angebot: Die TOP 500 erhalten eine einzigartige Trophäe!
Hier die drei Top-Platzierten:
1. GM ELDA 64 alias Paul Velten, 28 Jahre alt, LICHESS Bewertung 2884, gebürtiger Vietnamese, in Bayonne aufgewachsen und für Frankreich spielend – 2064 MARATHON-Punkte
2. FRITZI_2003 2864 – 1808 MARATHON-Punkte
Als MARATHON MAN zeigte sich einmal mehr HUB18 alias Hans Barmbold vom SC TURM. Er feierte einen Riesenerfolg, wurde Nr. 39 der rund Angetretenen!
HUB18s Kolumne und Partienkolumne:
Questions arise: Bullet or hyper, sleep or no sleep?
The Summer Marathon 2022 was on, from 05.08.2022 at 02:00 to 06.08.2022, 02:00; viewable at .
A great, but long day of chess, 24 hours; the Bullet Marathon was taking place! One day can seem quite long. The time mode was 1+0, with the possibility to halve the time to get extra points, 30s being Hyperbullet. The prize was a digital trophy in the Lichess profile for the Top500. It was my fifth participation in such a marathon and my fifth Trophy. 22,747 players participated! 533,333 games were played with 37,872,077 moves! Almost the whole Lichess community was on its feet again!
After like 2 hours, I was in the the Top20, but holding pace with the Top10 is something else!!!
16 hours I played, with breaks in between, 556 games in total. 282 wins are compared to 233 losses, with 41 draws. With a performance of 2539 I am very satisfied, my best ever in a Marathon, with an average opponent rating of 2608! 805 points were enough for a place in the Top50, a respectable 39th place.
Another four players from SC Turm did not miss the LICHESS spectacle, besides me played ENOKO, 72th, placed in Top100, CHESSPAWNROOKKING, 173th, PASTRAMI54, 183th and ZITRONENHAI, 213th, placed in Top500.
I was warned after 4 participations, now experienced too, but each marathon is different, because there is a different time mode each case! Constantly the next game started, the next strong opponent was ready, sometimes a game lasted only barely 1 minute, then I gave up in an hopeless position or the opponent did this. I didn’t try halving the time, in case of berserk of the opponent I tried to beat the opponent on the board and on time. I hit my Bullet all-time high, my peak in a Marathon, 2649! I had never reached 2600 before! The first 250 Games, i was literally on Fire!
In summary, it has been again a great, successful format and a wonderful organization of Lichess, many titled players and very good players participated!!!

ME vs Top20:

Vs #20

Vs #19

Vs #18

Vs #16

Vs #14

Vs #13

Vs #12

Vs #10

Vs #9

Vs #5

Vs #4

Vs #2
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