Beim 24 Stunden-Spring Marathon Platz 51 von 22.650 Spielern – großartig! 15 Stunden saß HUB18 alias Hans Barmbold vor dem Bildschirm. 18 Stunden später glänzte er dann beim LICHESS LIGA TEAMKAMPF. Er wurde Zweiter von 161 Akteuren, führte zusammen mit dem Sechsten, mit FM ALLESGEHTZUBRUCH alias Jochen Bruch, das Turm-Team in die 2. LICHESS-Bundesliga!
Lichess Liga 3C Teamkampf
1 | SC Turm Illingen | HUB18 51+39+30+29+28+27+27+25+25+20 | 301 |
2 | ChessScout.Info Team | Jututunska_juhahaha 48+34+28+27+26+26+25+22+21+16 | 273 |
3 | SF 90 Spraitbach | Sinan_Sakic 59+44+29+28+26+16+15+15+15+4 | 251 |
4 | ADFORCE CHESS MASTER | christianespayos 38+33+29+25+24+20+20+18+18+17 | 242 |
5 | ШШК “Зарайская ладья” | vladtok 37+33+28+25+22+21+20+19+17+16 | 238 |
6 | Grobes Schach | mariolino002 40+38+28+24+22+19+16+16+13+12 | 228 |
7 | KSK Dr. Lasker 1861 e.V. | EckhardSchmittdiel 33+25+25+24+21+21+18+17+17+11 | 212 |
8 | Шахове Тернопілля | KuzmaAkimovich 35+34+30+24+19+18+17+15+11+4 | 207 |
9 | Good Chess Amateurs | JensLyn 27+23+22+18+17+16+12+5+1+0 | 141 |
10 | OSC Rheinhausen Schach | genius86 24+20+15+12+12+4+4+0 | 91 |
Hier die Liste der 10 in die Wertung gekommenen Turm-Blitzer:
HUB18 | Hans Barmbold | 51 | 50 | 2479 |
FM ALLESGEHTZUBRUCH | Ingo Bruch | 39 | 71 | 2586 |
EXTASIO | Rudi | 30 | 29 | 2156 |
THOBISCH | Thomas Biehler | 29 | 43 | 2303 |
MAYBACH77 | Anthony | 28 | 56 | 2462 |
YELLOWCLASH | Kevin Zha | 27 | 70 | 2479 |
APEKOP | APK | 27 | 50 | 2330 |
FM DAVIDEOLI97 | David Olivetti | 25 | 88 | 2466 |
STEPPENDEKUH | SK | 25 | 64 | 2561 |
SCHADOUP | Meikel Jenner | 20 | 39 | 2209 |
Zur Halbzeit war das CHESS SCOUT.INFO TEAM mit seinem Vorkämpfer JUTUTUNSKA_JUHAHAHA enteilt, sah wie der sichere Aufsteiger aus. Dahinter eng beisammen 5 Teams, darunter der SC TURM. Der erhielt rechtzeitig Verstärkung: STEPPENDEKUH, APEKOP, FM DAVIDEOLI, YELLOWCLASH klinkten sich ein. Im Kielwasser von Marathon Man HUB18 erreichte der Turm-Konvoi den ersehnten Hafen: die 2. LICHESS-Bundesliga!
HUB18s Partienkolumne:
Games accessible under: .

22% Berserk: KNIGHT ON THE RIM IS DIM, the Pawns on d3, c4, c5, d6, e5 & e4 form sort of an egg – The tactical fireworks were too much for the IM!

100% Berserk: No Draw please, the KNIGHT MOVES LIKE AN L, backwards too – The Player wins who places his pieces better and is faster, the combination does the trick!

88% Berserk: The BONGCLOUD KING (on e2 previously) looses – genius attack of our FM and Knight Mate!

50% Berserk: e5!! & Ne6!! & the Rook on g7 was a fianchetto one – The DRAGON looses to the Kingside Attack!

80% Berserk: Early Pawn loss – But the opponent wanted to Checkmate and got a classic: OH NO MY QUEEN!

I played Bullet unrated with MAYBACH77 30 mins before the League and he gave me a run for my money, he drives fast and precise – then after he drives at his DEBUT in the League – 50% Berserk and look at all these pawns up + ending the game with a queen sac , clean up on Isle 3C please and go to Isle 2!

Advice: play vs the London g6, more unusual for them – 100% Berserk and 3 KNIGHTS in line, not so common & it’s no draw until it’s a draw, so no draw!

100% Berserk: AGM means Arena Grand Master, an online Title – That doesn’t stop the OH NO MY ROOK or MY KING!

0% Berserk, wow – different strategy, rewarded with 9 wins in a row – almost a sort of “ADOPTION”, winning vs 10 different players, not the same one in a row!

100% Berserk after the “Training” – got an imbalanced position and then the King says HELLO, the Kingwalk from h7 to d3 to support the passed Pawn was a nice finishing touch and to have as consequence a TEAM of King-Bishop-Rook to CHECKMATE!
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